Show all information about the following date
The weekday is Friday
The integer year is 2021
Excel or Google Sheets formula:
Excel or Google Sheets formula:
The month is February
The integer month is 02
Excel or Google Sheets formula:
Excel or Google Sheets formula:
The integer day is 26
Excel or Google Sheets formula:
Excel or Google Sheets formula:
=DAY(DATE(2021,02,26)Day Number
It is day number 57 out of 365 in the year 2021
Week Number
It is week number 08 out of 52 in the year 2021
Days in the month
There are 28 days in the month containing 02/26/2021
Leap Year Check
It does not fall in a leap year
Quarter Number
It falls in the 1st quarter
It falls in the 21st century
Zodiac Sign
The zodiac sign is Pisces
Julian Date
The Julian date is 2459272
Unix Time
The Unix Time is 1614319200
Difference From Today's Date
Difference from today's date is 1,368 days ago
the calendarTo see which Major League Baseball (MLB) players were born on 02/26, visit
How does the Date Information Calculator work?
Free Date Information Calculator - This calculator takes a date in mm/dd/yyyy format, and gives the following information about it:
* Weekday
* Day number in the year
* Week number in the year
* Number of days in the month containing that date
* Leap Year (Yes or No)
* Zodiac Sign
* Julian Date
This calculator has 1 input.
What 5 concepts are covered in the Date Information Calculator?
- date
- the day of the month or year as specified by a number
- date information
- hour
- Unit of time equal to 60 minutes
- minute
- Unit of time equal to 60 seconds
- time
- a point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noon