11 results

hour - Unit of time equal to 60 minutes

Free 12 Hour Clock Conversion Calculator - This calculator performs the following two conversions:
1) Takes a time in 24 hour clock (military time) format and converts it to a 12 hour clock format (AM/PM)
2) Takes a time in 12 hour clock format and converts it to military time (12 hour clock format)

Clock Angle

Free Clock Angle Calculator - Calculate the angle on a clock between the hour and minute hands or how many times on the clock form an angle of (x°) between the minute and hour hand (backwards and forwards). Clock Angle Calculator

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Date and Time Difference

Free Date and Time Difference Calculator - Calculates the difference between two dates using the following methods
1) Difference in dates using year/month/day/hour/minute/second as the primary unit of time
2) Difference in dates in the form of years remaining, months remaining, days remaining, hours remaining, minutes remaining, seconds remaining.

Elapsed Time

Free Elapsed Time Calculator - This determines the elapsed time between two clock readings.

Hour and Minute Conversion

Free Hour and Minute Conversion Calculator - Converts Hours and Minutes to Hours for things like timecards and such.


Free Overtime Calculator - Solves overtime wage problems

Salary Converter

Free Salary Converter Calculator - This calculator converts an annual salary to the following measures:
* Monthly
* Weekly
* Daily
* Hourly
* Each Minute
* Each Second

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Stopping-Braking Distance for a Car

Free Stopping-Braking Distance for a Car Calculator - Calculates the estimated stopping distance of a vehicle given a speed in miles per hour (mph)

Time Conversions

Free Time Conversions Calculator - Converts units of time between:
* nanoseconds
* microseconds
* milliseconds
* centiseconds
* kiloseconds
* seconds
* minutes
* hours
* days
* weeks
* fortnights
* months
* quarters
* years
* decades
* centurys
* milleniums
converting minutes to hours

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Trade Cost

Free Trade Cost Calculator - Calculates the saved hours under the electrician/carpenter model of specializing in jobs as well as opportunity cost.

Wind Chill Factor

Free Wind Chill Factor Calculator - This calculator determines the wind chill factor given a temperature in F° and a wind speed in miles per hour (mph). Simply enter your temperature and wind speed and press the button
