inequality | Page 10 | MathCelebrity Forum


  1. math_celebrity

    Pet supplies makes a profit of $5.50 per bag, if the store wants to make a profit of no less than $5

    Pet supplies makes a profit of $5.50 per bag, if the store wants to make a profit of no less than $5225, how many bags does it need to sell? 5.5ob >= $5,225 Divide each side of the inequality by $5.50 b >=9.5 bags, so round up to a whole number of 10 bags.
  2. math_celebrity

    Let p be what Peter earns hourly. Peter earns less than 9 dollars an hour.

    p < 9 is our inequality.
  3. math_celebrity

    The cost of renting a rototiller is $19.50 for the first hour and $7.95 for each additional hour. Ho

    The cost of renting a rototiller is $19.50 for the first hour and $7.95 for each additional hour. How long can a person have the rototiller if the cost must be less than $95? Setup the inequality: $19.50 + $7.95x < $95 Subtract 19.50 from both sides: 7.95x < 75.50 Divide each side of the...
  4. math_celebrity

    8 increased by the product of a number and 7 is greater than or equal to -18

    Take this in parts: First, the phrase, "a number" means we pick an arbitrary variable, let's call it x. The product of a number and 7 is 7x. 8 increased by the product of 7x means we add them together. 7x + 8 Finally that entire expression is greater than or equal to -18 7x + 8 >=-18
  5. math_celebrity

    Six less than twice a number is at least -1 and at most 1

    First, the phrase a number means we choose an arbitrary variable, let's call it x. Twice a number means we multiply it by 2. 2x Six less than that means we subtract 6 2x - 6 Now, the last piece, we set up an inequality. At least -1 means greater than or equal to 1. At most 1 means less than...
  6. math_celebrity

    The distance between X and 8 is less than 14

    Distance implies the positive difference between 2 points. Therefore, we use absolute value: |x - 8| < 14 Note, we use less than since 14 is not included.
  7. math_celebrity

    The sum of 5x and 2x is at least 70

    Is at least means greater than or equal to: 5x + 2x >= 70 If we combine like terms, we have: 7x >=70 We can further simplify by dividing each side of the inequality by 7 x >=10 If you want the interval notation for that, use the interval notation calculator.
  8. math_celebrity

    Carmen is serving her child french fries and chicken wings for lunch today. Let f be the number of f

    Carmen is serving her child french fries and chicken wings for lunch today. Let f be the number of french fries in the lunch, and let c be the number of chicken wings. Each french fry has 25 calories, and each chicken wing has 100 calories. Carmen wants the total calorie count from the french...
  9. math_celebrity

    7 less than -2 times a number x is greater than or equal to 41

    -2 times a number x is denoted as -2x. 7 less means we subtract, so 7 less than that is -2x - 7. Finally, that entire expression is greater than or equal to 41 -2x - 7 >= 41
  10. math_celebrity

    Three more than 2x is greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 11

    This is a two-part inequality. Let's take it piece by piece. Three more than 2x means we add. 2x + 3 It's greater than or equal to 1, denoted below: 1 <= 2x + 3 It's also less than or equal to 11, denoted below 2x + 3 <= 11 Piece these two inequalities together: 1 <= 2x + 3 <= 11
  11. math_celebrity

    7 less than -2 times a number x is greater than or equal to 41

    -2 times a number x is denoted as -2x. 7 less than that means we subtract 7: -2x - 7 Finally, that entire expression is greater than or equal to 41 -2x - 7 >= 41
  12. math_celebrity

    Three more than 2x is greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 11

    This is a double inequality. Let's take it by pieces: Three more than 2x is denoted as 2x + 3. We add since we see the phrase, more than. Because it's greater than or equal to 1, we have: 1 <= 2x + 3 Finally, that same phrase is also less than or equal to 11. 2x + 3 <= 11. Piecing these...
  13. math_celebrity

    7 less than -2 times a number x is greater than or equal to 41

    -2 times a number x is written as -2x. Less means subtract, so we have 7 less than this is -2x - 7. Finally, greater than or equal to is >=, so our expression becomes: -2x - 7 >= 41
  14. math_celebrity

    The product of 8 and a number k is greater than 4 and no more than 16

    Let's take this by pieces. The product of 8 and a number k is written as: 8k. Since it's greater than 4, but not more than 16, we include this in the middle of an inequality statement. 4 < 8k <= 16 Notice no more than has an equal sign, it means less than or equal to. Greater does not...
  15. math_celebrity

    All real numbers that are less than equal to -1 or greater than 5

    We have two expressions here, so we need a union since we have the word or. First, All real numbers less than or equal to -1 is x <= -1. All real numbers greater than 5 is x > 5 So we have x <= -1 U x > 5
  16. math_celebrity

    What pair of consecutive integers gives the following: 7 times the smaller is less than 6 times the

    What pair of consecutive integers gives the following: 7 times the smaller is less than 6 times the larger? Let x and y be consecutive integers, where y = x + 1 We have 7x < 6y as our inequality. Substituting x, y = x + 1, we have: 7x < 6(x + 1) 7x < 6x + 6 Subtracting x from each side, we...