Alphabetical Lesson List: (13) lessons starting with the letter O

[+]   Octagon
[+]   Octagonal Number
Free Octagonal Number Calculator - This calculator determines the nth octagonal number

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (2):
30th Octagonal number
45th Octagonal number


[+]   Odd Numbers
Free Odd Numbers Calculator - Shows a set amount of odd numbers and cumulative sum

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (1):
250 odd numbers


[+]   Odds Probability
Free Odds Probability Calculator - Given an odds prediction m:n of an event success, this calculates the probability that the event will occur or not occur

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (3):
3:2 odds
7 to 5
7 to 5 odds against


[+]   Odds Ratio
Free Odds Ratio Calculator - This calculator determines the odds ratio for 2 groups X and Y with success and failure for an outcome.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Opposite Direction Distance
Free Opposite Direction Distance Calculator - Word Problem calculator to measure distance between 2 people moving in opposite directions with rate and time solved for as well

Features:  Calculator


[+]   Opposite Numbers
Free Opposite Numbers Calculator - Given a positive or negative integer (n), this calculates the opposite number of n

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (3):
opposite of 20
opposite number of 5
opposite of -9


[+]   Order of Operations
Free Order of Operations Calculator - Evaluates an expression using the order of operations, or PEMDAS or PEDMAS or BEDMAS or BODMAS

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (1):
92 + 35*(12 - 6)/6


[+]   Ordered and Unordered Partitions
Free Ordered and Unordered Partitions Calculator - Given a population size (n) and a group population of (m), this calculator determines how many ordered or unordered groups of (m) can be formed from (n)

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (3):
10 partitions of 5
18 ordered partitions of 6
50 unordered partitions of 10


[+]   Ordered Pair
Free Ordered Pair Calculator - This calculator handles the following conversions:
* Ordered Pair Evaluation and symmetric points including the abcissa and ordinate
* Polar coordinates of (r,θ°) to Cartesian coordinates of (x,y)
* Cartesian coordinates of (x,y) to Polar coordinates of (r,θ°)
* Quadrant (I,II,III,IV) for the point entered.
* Equivalent Coordinates of a polar coordinate
* Rotate point 90°, 180°, or 270°
* reflect point over the x-axis
* reflect point over the y-axis
* reflect point over the origin

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (3):
(2,3) to polar
(5,30) to Cartesian


[+]   Ordering Numbers
Free Ordering Numbers Calculator - Given a list of numbers, this will order the list ascending (lowest to highest or least to greatest) or descending (highest to lowest or greatest to least)

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (3):
4< -2 < 3 < 8 < 5
3 > 7 > 6 > 9 > -9


[+]   Ordinal Number
Free Ordinal Number Calculator - This calculator determines the ordinal number of an integer

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (1):
ordinal number for 29


[+]   Overtime
Free Overtime Calculator - Solves overtime wage problems

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator
