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symbol - a figure or a combination of figures that is used to represent a mathematical object, an action on mathematical objects, a relation between mathematical objects, or for structuring the other symbols that occur in a formula.

Free Braille Translator Calculator - Given a phrase with letters, numbers, and most punctuation symbols, the calculator will perform the following duties:
1) Translate that phrase to Braille
2) Calculate the number of dots in the message
3) Calculate the number of empty spaces in the message

Greek Alphabet

Free Greek Alphabet Calculator - Shows you the greek alphabet and symbols used in math and science

Morse Code Translator

Free Morse Code Translator Calculator - Given a phrase with letters, numbers, and most punctuation symbols, the calculator will perform the following duties:
1) Translate that phrase to Morse Code.
2) Translate the Morse Code to a Dit-Dah message
3) Calculate the number of dots in the message
4) Calculate the number of dashes in the message

This also translates from Morse Code back to English.

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Multiplication Array

Free Multiplication Array Calculator - This allows you to enter pictorials using * symbols to represent multiplication

Plane Geometry Operations

Free Plane Geometry Operations Calculator - Evaluates and simplifies various plane geometry notation and operations

Prefix Multipliers

Free Prefix Multipliers Calculator - Shows a table of prefix multipliers, designators, symbols, and values

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