speed - the rate at which someone or something is able to move or operate
Formula: s = d/t where d is distance travelled and t is time elapsed
Free Addition and Multiplication Multiples Calculator - Shows all addition and multiplication multiples up to 20 for a positive integer
Free Centripetal Acceleration Calculator - Solves for any of the 3 items in the centripetal acceleration formula, centripetal acceleration, rotational speed, and radius.
Free Distance Catch Up Calculator - Calculates the amount of time that it takes for a person traveling at one speed to catch a person traveling at another speed when one person leaves at a later time.
Free Free Fall Speed Calculator - Given a height, this calculates free fall speed based on gravitational force
Free Frequency and Wavelength and Photon Energy Calculator - Provides the following 3 items using the speed of light and Plancks constant (h):
- Given a frequency of centimeters, feet, meters, or miles the calculator will determine wavelength in Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz
Given a wavelength of Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz, the calculator will determine frequency in centimeters, feet, meters, or miles
- Calculates photon energy
Free Speed Conversions Calculator - This converts between the following speed measurements:
* mph
* ft/s
* km/h
* m/sec
Free Stopping-Braking Distance for a Car Calculator - Calculates the estimated stopping distance of a vehicle given a speed in miles per hour (mph)
Free Typing Speed Calculator - Solves for words per minute, number of words typed, errors, or number of minutes typing based on user entry.
Free Wind Chill Factor Calculator - This calculator determines the wind chill factor given a temperature in F° and a wind speed in miles per hour (mph). Simply enter your temperature and wind speed and press the button