Free Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator - Given a gender, an age, and a height/weight in inches/pounds or meters/kilograms, this will calculate the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Free Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator - Solves for the popular health measurement of Body Mass Index or Weight using inches and pounds input or meters and kilos input.
Also calculates the estimated surface area of the body using the Mosteller Formula
Free Cholesterol Calculator - Solves for each of the 4 following cholesterol equation items:
1) Total Cholesterol
2) High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) Good Cholesterol
3) Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) Bad Cholesterol
4) Triglycerides
Free Positivity Rate Calculator - This calculator determines the positivity rate using positive tests and total tests
Free Target Heart Rate Calculator - Given an age, this calculator determines the following 5 target heart rate zones:
Healthy Heart Zone (Warm up) 50 - 60%
Fitness Zone (Fat Burning) 60 - 70%
Aerobic Zone (Endurance Training) 70 - 80%
Anaerobic Zone (Performance Training) 80 - 90%
Red Line (Maximum Effort) 90 - 100%