expected - results or observations that are predicted
Free 2 Asset Portfolio Calculator - Given a portfolio with 2 assets, this determines the expected return (mean), variance, and volatility (standard deviation) of the portfolio.
Free Basic Statistics Calculator - Given a number set, and an optional probability set, this calculates the following statistical items:
Expected Value
Mean = μ
Variance = σ2
Standard Deviation = σ
Standard Error of the Mean
Average Deviation (Mean Absolute Deviation)
Pearsons Skewness Coefficients
Upper Quartile (hinge) (75th Percentile)
Lower Quartile (hinge) (25th Percentile)
InnerQuartile Range
Inner Fences (Lower Inner Fence and Upper Inner Fence)
Outer Fences (Lower Outer Fence and Upper Outer Fence)
Suspect Outliers
Highly Suspect Outliers
Stem and Leaf Plot
Ranked Data Set
Central Tendency Items such as Harmonic Mean and
Geometric Mean and Mid-Range
Root Mean Square
Weighted Average (Weighted Mean)
Frequency Distribution
Successive Ratio
Free Equivalent Annual Cost (EAC) Calculator - Given 2 Items/machines with an Investment Cost, expected lifetime, and maintenance cost, this will calculate the EAC for each Item/machine as well as draw a conclusion on which project to invest in.
Free Expected Frequency Calculator - Given a contingency table (two-way table), this will calculate expected frequencies and then determine a conclusion based on a Χ2 test with critical value test and conclusion.
Free Expected Value Calculator - This lesson walks you through what expected value is, expected value notation, the expected value of a discrete random variable, the expected value of a continuous random variable, and expected value properties.
Free Input Table Calculator - Given an input table with input and output values, this will determine the operator and rule used to populate the missing values.
Free Ratio Word Problems Calculator - Solves a ratio word problem using a given ratio of 2 items in proportion to a whole number.
Free Ratios Calculator - * Simplifies a ratio of a:b
* Given a ratio in the form a:b or a to b, and a total population amount, this calculator will determine the expected value of A and B from the ratio.
Free Roulette Calculator - Calculates the probability for different bets on a roulette wheel including expected return on a monetary bet.
Free Security Market Line and Treynor Ratio Calculator - Solves for any of the 4 items in the Security Market Line equation, Risk free rate, market return, Β, and expected return as well as calculate the Treynor Ratio.
Free Volatility Calculator - Given a set of stock prices, this determines expected rates of return and volatility