7 results

domain - Set of all possible input values which makes the output value of a function valid

(2,3)(4,5)(6,7)(8,9) represents a function
(2,3)(4,5)(6,7)(8,9) represents a function Domain is the x-values: x = (2, 4, 6, 8) Range is the y-values: y = (3, 5, 7, 9) The function y, or f(x) is: y = x + 1 where x = (2, 4, 6, 8) Test this function for x = 2: y = 2 + 1 y = 3 Test this function for x = 4: y = 4 + 1 y = 5 Test this function for x = 6: y = 6 + 1 y = 7 Test this function for x = 8: y = 8 + 1 y = 9

A company’s number of personnel on active duty (not on sick leave or vacation leave) during the peri
A company’s number of personnel on active duty (not on sick leave or vacation leave) during the period 2000 - 2013 can be approximated by the cubic model f(x) = 2.5x^3 - 15x^2 - 80x + 1025, where x = 0 corresponds to 2000. Based on the model, how many personnel were on active duty in 2010? What is the domain of f? If x = 0 corresponds to 2000, when 2010 is 2010 - 2000 = 10. We want f(10): f(10) = 2.5(10)^3 - 15(10)^2 - 80(10) + 1025 f(10) = 2.5(1000) - 15(100) - 800 + 1025 f(10) = 2500 - 1500 - 800 + 1025 f(10) = [B]1,225[/B]

Free Function Calculator - Takes various functions (exponential, logarithmic, signum (sign), polynomial, linear with constant of proportionality, constant, absolute value), and classifies them, builds ordered pairs, and finds the y-intercept and x-intercept and domain and range if they exist. Table of Functions Calculator

Kevin ran 4 miles more than Steve ran. The sum of their distances is 26 miles. How far did Steve run
Kevin ran 4 miles more than Steve ran. The sum of their distances is 26 miles. How far did Steve run? The domain of the solution is: Let k be Kevin's miles ran Let s be Steve's miles ran We have 2 given equtaions: [LIST=1] [*]k = s + 4 [*]k + s = 26 [/LIST] Substitute (1) into (2) (s + 4) + s = 26 2s + 4 = 26 Plug this into our [URL='']equation calculator[/URL] and we get s = 11

p(x)=2x-5 find the domain
p(x)=2x-5 find the domain Using our[URL=''] function calculator[/URL]: [B]All real numbers[/B]

The domain of a relation is all even negative integers greater than -9. The range y of the relation
The domain of a relation is all even negative integers greater than -9. The range y of the relation is the set formed by adding 4 to the numbers in the domain. Write the relation as a table of values and as an equation. The domain is even negative integers greater than -9: {-8, -6, -4, -2} Add 4 to each x for the range: {-8 + 4 = -4, -6 + 4 = -2. -4 + 4 = 0, -2 + 4 = 2} For ordered pairs, we have: (-8, -4) (-6, -2) (-4, 0) (-2, 2) The equation can be written: y = x + 4 on the domain (x | x is an even number where -8 <= x <= -2)

What is a Function
Free What is a Function Calculator - This lesson walks you through what a function is, how to write a function, the part of a function, and how to evaluate the outputs of a function.
This lesson also shows you the domain and range of a function. This lesson shows you the y-intercept of a function and the x-intercept of a function. Also shows Relation and function