cross multiply - to clear an equation of fractions when each side consists of a fraction with a single denominator by multiplying the numerator of each side by the denominator of the other side and equating the two products obtained.
Formula: a/b = c/d → ad = bc
Free Absolute Value Calculator - Add, subtract, multiply or divide any two numbers with absolute value signs.
Free Base Conversion Operations Calculator - This calculator allows you to add, subtract, multiply, and divide two numbers with different bases.
Free Cross Partitions Calculator - Given a set of partitions, this determines the cross partitions.
Free Cross Product Calculator - Given two vectors A and B in R3, this calculates the cross product A × B as well as determine if the two vectors are parallel
Free Expand Master and Build Polynomial Equations Calculator - This calculator is the ultimate expansion tool to multiply polynomials. It expands algebraic expressions listed below using all 26 variables (a-z) as well as negative powers to handle polynomial multiplication. Includes multiple variable expressions as well as outside multipliers.
Also produces a polynomial equation from a given set of roots (polynomial zeros).
* Binomial Expansions c(a + b)x
* Polynomial Expansions c(d + e + f)x
* FOIL Expansions (a + b)(c + d)
* Multiple Parentheses Multiplications c(a + b)(d + e)(f + g)(h + i)
Free Monomials Calculator - This calculator will raise a monomial to a power,multiply monomials, or divide monomials.