3 results

cofunction - trigonometric identities that show the relationship between trigonometric ratios pairwise (sine and cosine, tangent and cotangent, secant and cosecant).

Free Cofunction Calculator - Calculates the cofunction of the 6 trig functions: * sin
* cos
* tan
* csc
* sec
* cot

If sin(26)=x what does cos(64) equal?
If sin(26)=x what does cos(64) equal? Using our cofunction calculator, we see the cofunction of sin(26) = cos(64). Therefore, sin(26) = cos(64), so cos(64) = [B]x[/B]

Trig Measurement
Free Trig Measurement Calculator - Given an angle θ, this calculates the following measurements:
Sin(θ) = Sine
Cos(θ) = Cosine
Tan(θ) = Tangent
Csc(θ) = Cosecant
Sec(θ) = Secant
Cot(θ) = Cotangent
Arcsin(x) = θ = Arcsine
Arccos(x) = θ = Arccosine
Arctan(x) =θ = Arctangent
Also converts between Degrees and Radians and Gradians
Coterminal Angles as well as determine if it is acute, obtuse, or right angle. For acute angles, a cofunction will be determined. Also shows the trigonometry function unit circle