Perform the following calculations on 3.31
Estimation, Accuracy, Precision, Percentage conversion, Truncate
Decider Digit = 1st decimal place
The first decimal place in 3.31 is 3
Since 3 is < 5, we round down to 3
3.31 estimated is 3
Percentage = 100% * 3.31
Percentage = 331%
2 decimal places means we multiply by 102
102 * 3.31 | |
102 |
100 * 3.31 | |
100 |
Fraction = 331/100
3.31 = three point three one
The floor is the greatest integer less than or equal to 3.31
Calculate the Floor for 3.31 = 3
The ceiling is the least integer greater than or equal to 3.31
Calculate the Ceiling of 3.31 = 4
Determine the precision and accuracy (scale) of 3.31
Take precision first and then accuracy
The number of digits in the number
3.31 has 3 digits listed below
Digit 1 → 3
Digit 2 → 3
Digit 3 → 1
Precision = 3
The number of digits to the right of the decimal point
Digit to the right of the decimal place 1 → 3
Digit to the right of the decimal place 2 → 1
Accuracy = 2
Truncate 3.31
Do it to 1 decimal places
Chop off decimal places
Keep the 1 decimal in red
Drop the decimal places in black
3.31 truncated to 1 decimal place = 3.3
Truncate 3.31
Do it to 2 decimal places
Chop off decimal places
Keep the 2 decimals in red
Drop the decimal places in black
3.31 truncated to 2 decimal places = 3.31