Convert 248 from decimal to hexadecimal
(base 16) notation:
Raise our base of 16 to a power
Start at 0 and increasing by 1 until it is >= 248
160 = 1
161 = 16
162 = 256 <--- Stop: This is greater than 248
Since 256 is greater than 248, we use 1 power less as our starting point which equals 1
Work backwards from a power of 1
We start with a total sum of 0:
The highest coefficient less than 15 we can multiply this by to stay under 248 is 15
Multiplying this coefficient by our original value, we get: 15 * 16 = 240
Add our new value to our running total, we get:
0 + 240 = 240
Hexadecimal (10 - 15) are represented by an (A-F) where 15 translates to the letter F
This is <= 248, so we assign our outside coefficient of F for this digit.
Our new sum becomes 240
Our hexadecimal notation is now equal to F
The highest coefficient less than 15 we can multiply this by to stay under 248 is 8
Multiplying this coefficient by our original value, we get: 8 * 1 = 8
Add our new value to our running total, we get:
240 + 8 = 248
This = 248, so we assign our outside coefficient of 8 for this digit.
Our new sum becomes 248
Our hexadecimal notation is now equal to F8