Using PEMDAS, simplify:
6/2(1 + 2)
P = Parentheses ()
E = Exponents (^)
M = Multiplication (*)
D = Division (÷)
A = Addition (+)
S = Subtraction (-)
Simplify using Parentheses
There are 1 Parentheses in 6/2(1 + 2)
(1+2) = 3
= 0
Simplifying our expression
Simplify using Exponents
There are 0 Exponent in 6/23
We move to our next letter in PEMDAS
Simplify using Multiplication
There are 0 Multiply in 6/23
We move to our next letter in PEMDAS
Simplify using Division
There are 1 Divide in 6/23
6÷23 = 0.26086956521739
This evaluates to 0.26086956521739
Simplify using Addition or Subtraction
There are 0 Add/Subtract in 0.26086956521739
We move to our next letter in PEMDAS