Determine characteristics for 90/204
Since 90/204 is a fraction, we use our long division decimal calculator to get 0.44117647058824
Counting numbers > 0: 1,2,3,4,5,...
Since 0.44117647058824 is not both positive and a counting number, 0.44117647058824 is not a natural number
Whole Numbers are positive numbers
They include 0
They have no decimal or fractional parts
Since 0.44117647058824 is not >= 0 and an integer, 0.44117647058824 is not a whole number
Integers have no fractions or decimals
0.44117647058824 is not an integer
Rationals = a/b
where a and b are integers<
and b ≠ 0.
Since 0.44117647058824 is an integer or decimal from above, 0.44117647058824 is also a rational
They do not form a ratio between two integers
They are not an imaginary number.
Test for square root of a negative
Since 0.44117647058824 is not the square root of a negative number, it is not imaginary