How does the Greatest Common Factors of Monomials Calculator work?
Free Greatest Common Factors of Monomials Calculator - This calculator will determine the Greatest Common Factors of a set of Monomials
This calculator has 1 input.
What 2 formulas are used for the Greatest Common Factors of Monomials Calculator?
Calculate the GCF of variables with exponents and constants
Once you have the GCF, divide each term by the GCF and use the modified term
What 3 concepts are covered in the Greatest Common Factors of Monomials Calculator?
- greatest common factors of monomials
- Find the prime factorization of each monomial, including all the variables. Then take the product of all common factors.
- monomial
- a polynomial which has only one term. Constants and variables are monomials as well as one term polynomials
- power
- how many times to use the number in a multiplication
Example calculations for the Greatest Common Factors of Monomials Calculator