Limit of a Function Definition:

Behavior of a function near a particular input.

Limit of a Function Notation:

The limit of a function ƒ(x) is L
as L approaches a

limx → a ƒ(x) = L

Right Limit of a Function Notation:

The right limit of a function ƒ(x) is A
as x approaches a from the right

limx → a+ ƒ(x) = A

Left Limit of a Function Notation:

The left limit of a function ƒ(x) is A
as x approaches a from the left

limx → a- ƒ(x) = A

Limit of a Function Example:

limx → 3 2x = 6 since 2(3) = 6

Limit of a Constant Theorem:

Given a constant c,
If ƒ(x) = c then

limx → a ƒ(x) = c

Limit with constant multiplier Theorem:

Given a constant k:

limx → a ƒ(x)kA = k * limx → a ƒ(x)

Limit with constant multiplier Theorem example:

limx → 3 2x = 6 since 2(3) = 6
Use the limit theorem with a multiplier:
limx → 3 2x = 2 * limx → 3 x
limx → 3 x = 3, so we have
limx → 3 2x = 2 * 3
limx → 3 2x = 6

Limit of Sums Theorem:

limx → a [ƒ(x) + g(x)] =
limx → a ƒ(x) + limx → a g(x)

Limit of Sums Theorem Example:

ƒ(x) = 2x and g(x) = x2
limx → 3[2x + x2] = limx → 3 2x + limx → 3 x2
[2(3) + 32] = 2(3) + 32
[6 + 9] = 6 + 9
15 = 15

Limit of Differences Theorem:

limx → a [ƒ(x) - g(x)] =
limx → a ƒ(x) - limx → a g(x)
ƒ(x) = 2x and g(x) = x2
limx → 3[2x - x2] = limx → 3 2x - limx → 3 x2
[2(3) - 32] = 2(3) - 32
[6 - 9] = 6 - 9
-3 = -3

Limit of Products Theorem:

limx → a [ƒ(x) * g(x)] =
limx → a ƒ(x) * limx → a g(x)
ƒ(x) = 2x and g(x) = x2
limx → 3[2x * x2] = limx → 3 2x * limx → 3 x2
[2(3) * 32] = 2(3) * 32
[6 * 9] = 6 * 9
54 = 54

Limit of Quotients Theorem:

limx → a [ƒ(x) / g(x)] =
limx → a ƒ(x) / limx → a g(x)

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