7900 | |
1 |
x |
16 |
25 |
Multiplying 2 fractions involves multiplying both numerators divided by both denominators.
Numerator 1 x Numerator 2 | |
Denominator 1 x Denominator 2 |
Numerator 1 = 7900,
Denominator 1 = 1,
Numerator 2 = 16,
Denominator 2 = 25, so we have:
7900 x 16 | |
1 x 25 |
126400 | |
25 |
(1/25) x 126400 = 5056
(1/25) x 25 = 1
Since our reduced answer is a whole number, we remove the one from the denominator and write it as:
Answer = 5056