Distance between 2 people going opposite directions

EXAMPLE:  If you have two people going opposite directions and are given 2 out of the 3 fields of distance, rate, and time for each person, enter what you know and the press calculate.  

Example:  You want to calculate Total Distance between 2 people.  For Person 1, you are given rate of 3 and time of 6.  Enter 3 for rate1 field and 6 for time1 field.  For Person 2, you are given 20 for distance and 4 for rate.  Enter 20 in Distance 2 field and 4 in Rate 2 Field.  Press Calculate and distance for Person 1 = 18.  Time for Person 2 = 5.  Total Distance between both People is 38.


Distance = Rate * Time

Rate = Distance / Time

Time = Distance / Rate

Distance between 2 people going opposite directions is D1 + D2 where D1 = Distance attained of person 1 and D2 = Distance attained of person 2.