l Coupon Comparison Calculator

Enter price

Enter dollar amount off

Enter percentage amount off

How does the Coupon Comparison Calculator work?
Free Coupon Comparison Calculator - Given a cost of goods, a dollar off coupon, and a percentage off coupon, this calculator will compare the two deals and determine which one is of more value. If the dollar coupon wins, the calculator will project the break even price where the dollar coupon would surpass the percentage coupon
This calculator has 3 inputs.
What 1 formula is used for the Coupon Comparison Calculator?
Discount Price = Price x (1 - Discount Percentage)
What 5 concepts are covered in the Coupon Comparison Calculator?
estimate, measure, or note the similarity or difference between
the annual interest rate paid on a bond, expressed as a percentage of the face value and paid from issue date until maturity.
the amount by which the market price of a bond is lower than its principal amount due at maturity
Currency unit
a specified amount in or for every hundred. one part in every hundred.
n% = n/100
Example calculations for the Coupon Comparison Calculator

Coupon Comparison Calculator Video

Coupon Comparison Calculator Video