Condos in Centerville go up in value by 3% each year. If the Ayala family's condo is now worth $697, | MathCelebrity Forum

Condos in Centerville go up in value by 3% each year. If the Ayala family's condo is now worth $697,


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Condos in Centerville go up in value by 3% each year. If the Ayala family's condo is now worth $697,580, what will it be worth in 2 years?

Let the condo value in (y) years be C(y). 3% as a decimal is 0.03, so we have:
C(y) = 697,850 * (1.03)^y

The problem asks for C(2):
C(2) = 697,850 * (1.03)^2
C(2) = 697,850 * 1.0609
C(2) = 740.349.07