l Bond Yield Rates Calculator
<-- Face
<-- Coupon %
<-- Term
<-- Redeem Val
<-- Price

How does the Bond Yield Rates Calculator work?
Free Bond Yield Rates Calculator - Calculates the yield rate of bonds using the Yield Approximation Method or the Bond Salesman Method.
This calculator has 5 inputs.
What 4 formulas are used for the Bond Yield Rates Calculator?
g = Face * Coupon%/Redemption Value
k = (Price - Redemption Value)/Redemption Value
Yield Approximation Rate (i) = (g - (k/n))/(1 + (k(n + 1)/2n))
Bond Salesman Rate (i) = (g - (k/n))/(1 + 0.5k)
What 7 concepts are covered in the Bond Yield Rates Calculator?
a type of security under which the issuer owes the holder a debt, and is obliged – depending on the terms – to repay the principal of the bond at the maturity date as well as interest over a specified amount of time.
bond yield rates
the amount a bond pays out in interest
the annual interest rate paid on a bond, expressed as a percentage of the face value and paid from issue date until maturity.
the amount by which the market price of a bond is lower than its principal amount due at maturity
a bond which market value is greater than its face value
the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something
How much an investment returns in terms of interest rate

Bond Yield Rates Calculator Video

Bond Yield Rates Calculator Video