Calculate the difference:
3 + 4x
2 - 6x + 1) - (9x
3 + 54x)
Multiply each term in 9x
3 + 54x by -1
-1 x (9x
3 + 54x) = -9x
3 - 54x
Collect all of our terms:
3 + 4x
2 - 6x + 1 - 9x
3 - 54x
Now group all of our x
3 terms:
3 - 9x
3 = 0x
Now group all of our x
2 terms:
Now group all of our x terms:
- 6x - 54x = -60x
Now group all of our constant terms:
Build our answer:
+ 4x2 - 60x + 1
How does the Algebra Master (Polynomials) Calculator work?
Free Algebra Master (Polynomials) Calculator - Given 2 polynomials this does the following:
1) Polynomial Addition
2) Polynomial Subtraction
Also generates binomial theorem expansions and polynomial expansions with or without an outside constant multiplier.
This calculator has 2 inputs.
What 3 formulas are used for the Algebra Master (Polynomials) Calculator?
Polynomials with matching variables and exponents may be added or subtracted together
ax^2 + bx^2 = (a + b)x^2
ax^2 - bx^2 = (a - b)x^2
What 7 concepts are covered in the Algebra Master (Polynomials) Calculator?
- addition
- math operation involving the sum of elements
- algebra master (polynomials)
- binomial theorem
- algebraic expansion of powers of a binomial
- long division
- a standard division algorithm suitable for dividing multi-digit numerals that is simple enough to perform by hand.
- multiplication
- math operation involving the product of elements
- polynomial
- an expression of more than two algebraic terms, especially the sum of several terms that contain different powers of the same variable(s).
- subtraction
- math operation involving the difference of elements